Norfolk Broads Cruise 2013

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The Boat

   Day Two ---waking to a fresh  westerly breeze, and bright sunshine---so a plan to head further  down the Waveney to get some good sailing,  with a return to Oulton Broad to see traditional boats racing.

catapults on the Broads

 Above:  The Reedham railway swing bridge opens for Nigel.

Below:  more good sailing, streaming along between the banks in  fleet formation,  back up the Waveney to Oulton Broad .

ctapults on the broads

 The advantages of friendly relationships with the natives --- Nigel discovered a serious part-fracture in a tiller bar---but the friend made the evening before was a retired engineer with a big workshop--- so the planned return to Oulton included a successful appeal for help---below the boats moored in front of his boatshed (and the pub.)

catapult cruising

Above: Catapults and traditional yachts on Oulton

Below: A bizarre sight---Justin discovers two large rods floating in the Broad, Chris and John watching him apparently fishing from a Catapult

catapults on Oulton

Below left: Coming out of Oulton, Chris' 3.5 HP engine towing the fleet---even on a good sailing day, a sheltered stretch against the current needed this help.

Below right: Chris pays the price of having to manage both modes of propulsion, heading into the reeds when the wind returns and a gust strikes

catapults cruisinfg the broads

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