Sailing the Catapult catamaran: off the water

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 One of  Catapult's great advantages is its ease of handling off the water, making it a true single-hander for racing or cruising, allowing easy catamaran sailing almost anywhere in the UK.

   (Above: Stuart  at Bassenthwaite shows how. )

The two beach wheels slide down the centreboard slots. Rigging, the boat is lifted briefly each side to lock these in. Coming ashore, they insert while the boat is floating.

  Carrying the two small wheels on board when  cruising easily allows landing almost anywhere (and is reassuring heading off around the Isle of Sheppey for the September long-distance race)

(Of course there is no need for a beach trailer, nor road trailer, below.)

(See also: Lifting the hulls)

  With Catapult being so light, and the maximum hull buoyancy well aft, it is easy to lift most of the boat onto the beach, and the tough inflatable hulls can sit on sand or stones, or a slipway.

The boats will sit comfortably at the edge of the water between races or during a cruising lunch.

Here, right, at Bassenthwaite, they have been lifted, sterns still floating, and landed on the bank.

(See also:

Puncture-proof wheels

Sand friendly auxiliary wheels)

(Above: The Bassenthwaite Bank Holiday has brought out a display of rigs---three with the newer Roundhead sail, two coloured TI rigs, and a Classic (nearest) set up  for cruising and playing, rigged with the jib.)

Left: Catapult ready to go at Carsington, on a small car, the rest of the boat inside.

A small car can drive at full motorway speed and the roof load is below 40kg.

A caravan can be towed, or the boat put up onto a motor-home, so there is no restriction getting to any racing or cruising water.

These pictures helpfully show what you can do if you have two Catapults and one car (left)

Alternatively (below) if you have one Catapult and no car, you can bike to the (nearby) water.

It nicely highlights how a 5-metre racing boat emerges from a small kit. It also gives a good picture of the beach wheels in place in the centreboard slots, in an unusual use.

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