Catapult Catamaran Association : Constitution (July 2014)

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Tactics and Rules

The Boat


   1.     NAME

The Association shall be called the Catapult CLASS ASSOCIATION.

2.     OBJECTS

The objects of the Association are:

a.     To promote sailing and racing of the Catapult catamaran designed by Jon Montgomery.

b.     To provide a medium for the exchange of information between Catapult owners and sailors.

c.      To act as the National Class Association for the United Kingdom.

d.     To represent the interests of members in all sailing matters at both National and International level.

e.     To take such further action relative to the above objects as may from time to time be considered as desirable.


a.     The following membership shall be recognised:

i.      Full Member. Open to any Catapult owner upon payment of the prescribed subscription. In the case of joint ownership, membership may be granted to any nominated one of them. In the case of corporation or association owned Catapults, membership may be granted to a nominated representative of that organisation.

ii.     Honorary Life Member. Open to any person who is proposed by a full member and elected by the Committee.

Acceptance of a person as a Full Member will be subject to approval by the Class Association Committee. The Committee may choose from time to time to delegate its powers to the Membership Secretary to accept members. The Association or its officers shall not discriminate on grounds of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. The Membership Secretary will not have the power to refuse an applicant, but may refer applications to the Committee whose decision will be final.

b.     Each member shall pay the appropriate annual subscription and shall be entitled:

i.      To a single vote in all matters that are to be determined by voting.

ii.     To enter one boat in any Association restricted event.

iii.     To participate fully in the affairs of the Association receiving all benefits of membership and sharing its obligations.


a.     The Association shall be managed by a Committee, which shall consist of three Officers (Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) plus not less than 1 and not more than 7 additional full or honorary life members.

b.     The Copyright Holder (or his/her licensee) or a representative nominated by him/her, shall be a permanent member of the Committee.

c.     Three committee members shall form a quorum.

d.     The Officers and other Committee Members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.


e.     The Committee shall have the power to:

i.      Interpret and apply the Rules.

ii.     Make recommendations to Class Association members in general meetings for amendments or new rules.

iii.     Co-opt additional Catapult owners/members to the Committee.

iv.    Decide the payment of expenses.

f.         The Secretary shall:

i.      Keep records of all meetings.

ii.     Maintain a class register.

iii.     Communicate Committee decisions to members and to such individuals/organisations as directed by the Committee.

iv.    Advise Committee members of the next meeting giving at least 2 weeks notice in writing.

v.     Answer communications from members or those interested in the Catapult, or refer communications to the proper quarter for action to be taken.

g.     The Treasurer, under the direction of the Committee, shall:

i.     Keep a full account of the income and expenditure.

ii.     Present a financial statement at the AGM.

h.     In an emergency the Committee may grant a temporary dispensation in respect of the Constitution. Such temporary dispensation shall be operative immediately until the next general meeting.


The rate of the annual subscriptions shall be decided by the Annual General Meeting and shall become due on 1st January. A member joining after 1st October in any year, whose subscription shall have been paid for that year, shall not be liable to pay a subscription for the ensuing year.


a.     The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the UK, the precise date, time and place being at the Committee's discretion. Five Full or Honorary Life Members shall form a quorum.

b.     A special general meeting shall be called by the Chairman upon receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing for such a meeting, signed by no fewer than ten full members.

c.     At least 3 weeks notice shall be given in writing to all members of any general meeting. No general meeting shall be called before 1100 hours or after 2000 hours.

d.     Any member may propose resolutions for consideration at the AGM. Any such resolution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 2 weeks before the AGM, and shall be accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the proposal.

e.     Any member may propose resolutions for consideration at a special general meeting. Any such resolution shall be submitted four weeks in advance of a special general meeting.

f.     An amendment or addition to the Class Association Constitution shall not be the subject of a vote at a general meeting unless it has been included on the Agenda and full details distributed to members with notice of the meeting.


g.     The AGM Agenda shall include:

i.      The Association's accounts.

ii.     A report by the Chairman or Secretary on the Association's activities over the past year.

iii.     Arrangements for the election of the Officers and Committee members for the coming year.

h.     Any member is entitled to attend, speak and vote at any general meeting.

i.      At any general meeting a vote decision shall be by a majority show of hands (except under rule 6.k) and the Chairman shall have a casting vote. A poll shall be held if demanded by at least three people.

k.     At any general meeting a proposal to add to or amend the Catapult Class Association Constitution shall not be carried unless at least two thirds of the votes are cast in favour.


a.     The Committee shall be responsible for maintaining and implementing a set of Class Rules governing the racing of the Catapult and any modifications to its design or construction.

b.     Major changes to the design of the Catapult, or to the materials used in the construction of the hull frame and mast, or any increase in sail area over 10 square metres, must be approved by a two thirds majority of members voting at a general meeting.

c.     The Committee shall have the power to approve other modifications to the sail plan and hull fittings.


                                     REVISION THREE: dated: 13th July 2014

            Nigel Harrison, Secretary                                                        Alastair Forrest, Chairman