Catapult TT at Tresaith Mariners SC
June 19th-20th

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2021 Catapult TT, Tresaith Marners SC

                      Travellers Trophy Event  19/20th  June 2021


The Travellers 2021 Trophy Event was hosted by Tresaith Mariners Sailing Club. This was the Catapults first time to this new venue and is probably one of the most scenic event locations. The sailing club is situated down a steep and narrow single track road that opens up to a view of Tresaith stunning sandy beach.

The closest Caravan/Camping site (Lletti) is situated on the cliff top providing beautiful panoramic vista of the whole bay. Catapult members felt the location of this site was the most suitable for our  members to sail from.

Six members travelled to this event, three members took part in the weekend event.

Tresaith sailing club comprises of a large marquee on the beach providing music during the day and a van  which provided a variety of beers & other  drinks. There  was also a van providing a good selection of hot food, tea and coffee from early morning until late evening. 

 The club and its members could not be faulted for their friendly support on and off the water. While the access to the beach and assembly of the boats required some pre planing ,this only proved to be difficult for one of our members as his catapult was on his trailer behind his motor home, however this could have been overcome had his recent health not been compromised by the steepness of the inclines.

All that aside if members can cope with organising their days to minimise the number of journeys up and down the slopes, all members felt it may be well worth repeating.


The weekend weather forecast was good.

Saturday; Warm Sunny with light southerly winds.

Sunday; Rain and medium winds.


                         On The Beach Ready to Race


Catapult Entries;  George Evans, Mike Gough, Chris Phillips.



The weather was warm with light winds.

3 Races each 40 minutes.


Race 1

George led this race most of the was, followed closely by mike with Chris on his heals. Mike was close second until just before the finishing line he fluffed a tack and Chris sailed through to take second place.


Race 2

There was no drama in this race, George led this race from start to finish followed closely by Mike and then Chris.


Race 3

Chris got a great start to this race followed closely by George, Chris led the race until midway through when George took the lead they continued to swap places up to the last lap. On the last lap George managed to hold his lead and came in first, Chris came a close second with Mike on both their  heals coming in third.



The weather was cloudy, warm with light to medium winds.

2 Races each 40 minutes


Race 4

George led the race from the start ,Chris and Mike where battling for second position continually swapping places .Chris managed to take the lead on the last lap and took second place, Mike came in third.


Race 5

With medium winds Mike got off to a good start, George caught him up and they made their way round the course very close together swapping the  lead position several times during the race. Chris was edging up on them both as time went on Mike pulled out a bigger lead on the last lap to win the race  followed by George and then Chris. 



A very enjoyable weekend sailing 

George scored 4 points after his 2 point discard 

Chris and Mike both scored 9 points after they both discarded 3 points


George was presented with the Catapult blue pennant as winner of the weekend event. 


                     George receiving his Blue Pennant


                          Trio of prizes



Catapult TT Tresaith Mariners SC 2021
Rank Sail_No Helm Rating R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total Nett
1st 510  George Evans 895 1 1 1 1 2 6 4
2nd 540 Mike Gough 890 3 2 3 3 1 12 9
3rd 530 Chris Phillips 915 2 3 2 2 3 12 9


Catapult  2021
Tresaith Mariners SC
Rank Sail_No Helm PY R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total Nett
1st 510 George Evans 895 1 1 1 1 1 5 4
2nd 530 Chris Phillips 915 2 3 2 2 3 12 9
3rd 540 Mike Gough 890 3 2 3 3 2 13 10


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