Catapult TT at Stone SC
August 2nd-4th

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2021 Catapult TT, Stone SC

    Stone week, first 3 days.

The Catapults were pleased to be back at Stone SC for the first 3 days of Stone Week.

Light winds for all three days plus the strong tides gave some challenges and opportunities additional to those on reservoir TT sailing.


The Catapults were in the fast handicap fleet which included the Unicorns, Sprint 15s but with a majority of fast monohulls. The largish fleet made for some interesting start line tactics.

As always it was essential on the downwind legs, especially the longer ones set in the first two races, to get the angles correct. This was particularly difficult when the marks were difficult to spot across the large expanse of the estuary.



Race 1

In a very light wind but with an the ebb tide taking the fleet toward the first mark Paul made the best start - helped by John getting his start time wrong - and led for the first 2 marks. John had better downwind speed in the run against the tide and led at the 3rd mark and stayed in front to the finish although some big wind shifts enabled Paul and Mike to close up on the approach to the finish line. Syd retired to avoid another exciting lap.

Race 2

After lunch the wind remained very light. John made the best start followed by Paul and Mike. Syd ran aground just as the start gun sounded. John led for most of the race again showing better downwind speed but on the final upwind leg there were some substantial wind shifts which enabled Paul to catch up and pass John when he had to put in another tack to cross the line.


Race 3

Tuesday produced more wind and more start line excitement which resulted in both John and Paul being over the line at the start. John hoped the hooter was not for him (amongst others) and pressed on. Paul turned back but in gybing round to re-start the wishboom became detached by which time John was third to reach the windward mark. By the time Paul’s wishboom was re-attached most of the fleet were close to the first mark. Syd was also in trouble shortly after the start with the ratchets on both main sheet blocks nearly causing a capsize and then delay in sorting them out. Thanks to clear air and some helpful wind shifts Paul caught up with Mike early on lap 3 and John (who was subsequently disqualified as OCS at start) just before the finish to win the race.

Race 4


The afternoon race started in a difficult wind against tide chop. The wind picked up for the first lap giving the opportunity for some trapeezing and hull flying at times. The Monohull fleet with their spinnakers flying called for some tricky maneuvering at the leeward mark especially with the tides running against the direction of travel.   John led for the whole race. Paul was second with Mike very close behind. Syd was delayed by a massive Sailing barge crossing him on the first reach.


Race 5

The wind had dropped to very light again. There was also a change in the course to include a very long run. Mike made the best start and on the run stayed more to the middle of the course while Paul and John followed the monohulls further out of the tide. John caught Mike by the third mark and led for the rest of the race. Both Paul and John managed to touch marks - not giving enough clearance in the strong tide. The necessary turns were duly taken.


Race 6

Paul made a good start but was again caught by John on the slow run against a strong tide to the 3rd mark. Paul then touched a monohull at the mark resulting in more turns. Syd was having a good race and closed up while Paul was doing his turns. After the second lap Mike decided that an early shower was more inviting than another slow lap and retired.



Catapult  2021 TT series

Stone SC

Rank SailNo HelmName Rating R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st. 506 Syd Gage 940 (RET/5) 1 RET/5 1 1 1 14 9
2nd. 540 Mike Gough 890 1 3 1 2 2 (RET/5) 14 9
3rd. 507 Paul Ellis 860 2 2 2 3 (4) 2 15 11
4th. 533 John Terry 815 3 4 (OCS/5) 4 3 3 22 17
Rank SailNo HelmName Rating R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st. 507 John Terry 815 1 2 (OCS/5) 1 1 1 11 6
2nd. 533 Paul Ellis 860 2 1 1 2 (3) 2 11 8
3rd. 506 Mike Gough 890 3 3 2 3 2 (RET/5) 18 13
4th. 540 Syd Gage 940 (RET/5) 4 RET/5 4 4 3 25 20


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