Catapult TT at Carsington SC
October 2nd.-3rd.

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2021 Catapult TT Series, Carsington SC


The weather forecast for the weekend of the Carsington TT, the penultimate event in the racing calendar, was not looking promising. Winds of 20+ mph on the Saturday and 30+ mph on the Sunday plus the current fuel shortage issues that still persisted made it a difficut decision whether to attend or not. In addition to the winds Saturday promised to be wet also. 3 hardy souls ventured out and attended despite the forecast.

On Friday the club site was available for the sailors to build their boats along with the Sprint 15 fleet, many of which had travelled a long way from the South. It was a chilly evening but at least dry.


Friday evening setting up

Saturday morning came and the 2 fleets were ready to go. The promised southerly winds arrived but thankfully somewhat less than forecast. The race officer decided to run 4 races on Saturday in case the racing had to be cancelled on the the Sunday.

Two of the three Catapults and about 17 Sprints set off for the race course in winds of 14-18mph. The race officer had set a square course giving the potential for some fast reaching. The course was set close to the dam with the winds coming over the top of the dam and around the woodlands  with the windward mark close in to the shore.

In Race 1 John started at the pin end of the line having watched the Sprints get headed as they sailed towards the windward mark. Mike started at the committee boat end. The wind shifts approaching the windward mark made for some tricky decisions on how best to get round the mark with shifts of 90deg or more. John was first around the mark and as Mike stuggled to make the mark against the wind shifts John pulled ahead. The winds were fickle and though at times a good breeze was blowing there were significant holes in parts of the course. On the second lap Mike again got caught out by the tricky winds approaching the windward mark, John got a lucky lift and made more ground on Mike finishing ahead by some six and a half minutes after 3 laps.

For Race 2 rain had set in with some small squalls adding to the challenge of getting round the windward mark.  Both John and Mike got off to a good start but by the end of the 2nd. lap Mike was given a finish and John had to complete three laps.

By race 3 the squalls were coming more frequent with rain and some mist. Race three was started with 2 laps indicated on the committee boat, a relief to all the sailors.  John and Mike were neck and neck on the start line with Mike pushing John high up the line. It was close sailing with Mike pushing John all the way to the finish.

The race officer set the fourth race after a slight change to the course with just 1 lap. Race 4 followed a similar pattern to race 3 with John being challenged all the way round the course. The reaches were on the edge at times with bows under water from time to time. Some exciting racing.


Day two opened to a sunny breezy day. The forecast was for the wind to increase as the day progressed. Mike and John set out with the hope that the racing would be finished before the wind picked up. 


Race 5 and the sun was shinning and the wind was a steady foce 4-5. Mike started on a port tack flyer to go with the line bias whilst John opted for a starboard tack start.  Mike was ahead but John popped onto the trapeeze and managed to pass ahead of Mike. The windward mark approached and John rounded ahead of Mike, however on the reach to mark two John let go of the mainsheet and Mike shot past as quick as a flash. John recovered and chased Mike, gaining then loosing ground. The wind had picked up to a good 20mph with some stronger gusts. At the end of 3 laps Mike finished 14 secs ahead of  John.


For race 6 the race officer decided to make changes to the course as the wind was building. A 4 lap race was set and Mike decided to continue racing whilst John made a calculated decison to return to the shore. Mike recorded speeds of up to 28kmh. eating up the Sprints as he went. Overall a very challenging but enjoyable event and all to play for at Grafham at the end of October for the overall TT results and the Alastair Forest Handicap Trophy.


  Sunday Morning Sunshine   Sunday heading toward the race course



Mike at Carsington


Mike on Sunday battling the winds.


Mike and John

                                                                       A good lead for Mike in Race 5



Carsington TT Handicap Results 2021
Rank SailNo HelmName Rating R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st 540 Mike Gough 890 -2 2 1 1 1 1 8 6
2nd 533 John Terry 815 1 1 2 2 2 (4 DNC) 12 8
3rd 506 Syd Gage 940 (4 DNS) 4 DNC 4 DNC 4 DNC 4 DNC 4 DNC 24 20
Carsington TT Scratch Results 2021
Rank SailNo HelmName Rating R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st 533 John Terry 815 1 1 1 1 2 (4 DNC) 10 6
2nd 540 Mike Gough 890 -2 2 2 2 1 1 10 8
3rd 506 Syd Gage 940 (4 DNS) 4 DNC 4 DNC 4 DNC 4 DNC 4 DNC 24 20


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