Catapult SOCIAL at Bala
15-17July 2020

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Saturday was too windy and very wet - disappointing for those who were here for just the weekend.. Sunday morning was cold and bright with a 

NNW F3-4 blowing square onto our beach. We decided to do a timed team race first - 2 teams 'Round Heads' Mike & Syd - 'Pin Heads' George & Chris - me & Sue timing. The course was from the beach leaving weather station & top BSC mark to stb then a sausage then back to beach. The Round Head's beat the Pin Head's by 10 sec. The 2nd race was same course but longer not timed start and finish on beach. 3 entered Mike , George & Syd. Syd lost his rig just after the start so the race was between Mike & George - they can in to the beach side by side and finished in a dead heat!  All enjoyed the friendly competition and we certainly enjoyed starting and finishing them.  All racing was done with social distancing in mind.

Reports submitted by John  Pep.


Syd and Mike set off for race 2

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