Catapult Nationals at Bala
July 29th-30th

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Catapult was back to Bala Sailing Club for the 2018 Nationals, again sharing the event with the Tinker Tramps Inland Championships (two long-established sailing classes, with inflatable technology for lightness and convenience, and close racing.) Well-organized racing let the two contrasting fleets (and the club fleet  on  Sunday) share the starting line and first short beat, then taking different courses.

  The high pressure clamped over the UK gave consistent bright sunshine and (unusually for Bala) an easterly breeze, staying light, and twisted coming down the Dee Valley to ENE-NE. Off the land at the top of the lake, the breeze fluctuated wildly as the day went on, strengthening but still having lulls and gusts. It swung 20’-30’ at times, (usually too unpredictably allow tacking with the shifts) and places could change abruptly, a stern test of character.

 The club helpfully agreed to port-rounding triangles suiting the boats, with two reaches and a beat. An on-wind start meant a very short beat to the top mark, with the tactical challenge of trying to lay the mark in one starboard board from the line, risking being stuck in a lull close to shore.

                                                       NATIONALS RESULTS 

Rank Helm R1
R4 R5   Total Nett
1st Gareth Ede 1 1 1 1 1  (14) 19 5
2nd Stuart Ede 2 2 2 2 (4) 1 13 9
3rd Paul EllisAlastair Forrest 3 4 (5) 5 3 2 22 17
4th Stuart Ede (5) 5 3 3 5 4 25 20
5th Alastair Forrest 4 3 6 (8) 6 3 30 22
6th Syd Gage 7 (10) 4 7 7 5 40 30
7th Mike Gough 9 6 8 (10) 2 6 41 31
8th Nigel Harrison 6 7 7 6 (10) 7 43 33
9th Chris Upton (12) 9 9 9 11 8 58 46
10th John Peperell 8 (14) 14 4 8 14 62 48
11th Damien Cooney 10 8 (14) 12 13 9 66 52
12th Markus Reuber 13 11 10 11 12 (14) 71 57
13th Justin Evans 11 14 14 14 9 (14) 76 62


Rank Helm H'cap R1
R4 R5   Total Nett
1st Syd Gage 925 (9) 7 1 4 3 1 25 16
2nd Paul Ellis 855 1 (8) 3 6 5 3   18
3rd Stuart Ede 880 (7) 5 2 5 2 4 25 18
4th Chris Upton 1000 6 2 5 1 (10) 5 29 19
5th Nigel Harrison 950 3 3 9 2 (11) 2 30 19
6th Gareth Ede 798 5 4 4 10 7 (14) 44 30
870 Mike Gough 
870 (13) 9 10 7 1 7 47 34
8th Alastair Forrest 865 (10) 6 8 8 6 6 44 34
9th John Terry 810 4 (10) 7 9 8 8 46 36
10th Damien Cooney 1020 2 1 (14) 12 13 9 51 37
11th  John Peperell 931 8 14 14 3 4 (14) 57 43
12th  Markus Reuber 1000 12 11 6 11 12 (14) 66 52
13th Justin Evans 945 11 14 14 14 9 (14) 76 62

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